Childbirth without interventions

To give birth to a baby is a miracle. Most women dream about this wonderful moment. Giving birth is a natural part of life. Yet, birth is also political and a business. It is a business controlled by powerful people telling women where and how to give birth. Most women give birth in hospitals, with beautiful maternity unit layouts. But these very same beautiful units are built to create interventions. Most pregnant women have no idea what birth is all about and the problems in the hospital system. Continue reading

Pain in Childbirth

Giving birth is a painful process. For many women childbirth is a frightening experience and it is only natural for a birthing mother to voice her concerns. Fear is an important factor of childbirth. Even in the scriptures childbirth is portrayed as involving hard labour and pressure. Childbirth is a unique pain at a deeply emotional time for women. The pain in labour is the result of many complex interactions, physiological and psychological, excitatory as well as inhibitory. Continue reading


Squatting position is a basic and natural human posture. People in ancient times didn’t have chair-like toilets; they assumed the natural crouching position (squatting) that two-thirds of humanity still uses today. What many may not be aware is that in the sitting position, there is a natural kink between the rectum and anus. One has to strain and bear downwards in an attempt to force a turd around the bend. The ability to squat is important because it is intended that human beings evacuate waste in the squatting position. The Western habit of sitting is actually a recent development which began about 150 years ago, during the Industrial Revolution, when sitting-type toilets were introduced to the masses. Continue reading

Traditional Midwife instead of Birth Attendant: Does the Name Carry Honour?

Our thanks to Debbie A. Díaz-Ortiz, midwife from Puerto Rico for this blog:

The history of Traditional Midwifery is quite fascinating. Traditional Midwives practice midwifery as it has been handed down to them from generation to generation. Some of them have no formal training. I am a traditional midwife and I love my work. I learn to connect with pregnant women. We connect during stressful times. We connect through the gift of trust. Continue reading

Pregnancy and Childbirth

Becoming pregnant is the happiest moment in a woman’s life and also the most important one! There is a saying that a woman is not complete if she hasn’t gone through even one pregnancy in her whole lifetime. It is important to remain happy and active through the pregnancy month by month so that healthy development of fetus takes place. Continue reading

Caesarian Sections

A Caesarian section is a major abdominal surgery involving 2 incisions (cuts): One is an incision through the abdominal wall and the second is an incision involving the uterus to deliver the baby. While at times absolutely necessary, especially in emergencies or for the safety of the mother or the baby, caesarean childbirth is not a procedure to be undertaken lightly by the physician or the mother. It should be performed medically necessary and definitely not for the convenience of women and surgeons. Continue reading

Oxytocin Induction

Oxytocin is a powerful hormone. When we hug or kiss a loved one, oxytocin levels drive up. It also acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain. In fact, the hormone plays a huge role in pair bonding. This hormone is also greatly stimulated during sex, birth, breast feeding, and the list goes on. In lactating mothers who are breastfeeding, oxytocin causes milk to be released in the breasts, so that the infant can feed at the mother’s nipple. Oxytocin is also responsible for the dilation of the cervix during birth, and for contractions during labour. During labor, oxytocin stimulates the uterine muscle to contract. Continue reading

Natural Induction of labour

Being pregnant is beautiful. But pregnancy makes people tired and they want to get over with it. Sometimes Mother Nature refuses to deliver the baby and the body shows no indications of prompting labour, it is then that decisions are made to start the process in a natural way. Self-induced labour is common amongst many women. Some traditional midwives expect labour to begin when the woman’s feet and ankles become cold, indicating that the body heat is moving towards the womb. For centuries the Chinese used foot massages to induce labour, others used the galloping of horses to stimulate birth pains. Castor bean oil was used by the Egyptians to stimulate labour. Castor oil causes cramping in the intestines which cause uterine cramps. Even today many people today use castor oil to induce labour. Continue reading

Herbs in Pregnancy

Herbs fascinate me. My grandparents used herbs for everything. I have come to appreciate herbs over the years as a gentle and natural healing. I am simply a midwife that enjoys learning and studying herbs the history and uses of herbs. A prominent herbologist wrote, “The more research I do on herbs, the better appreciation I have for God’s creations. “Every plan on this earth has a purpose. Plants and herbs provide not only medicines but also vitamins, minerals and macronutrients for optimum benefits. Some example of plant nutrients: calcium, iron, folic acid, magnesium, and vitamin C. Continue reading

Traditional Care in Pregnancy

Motherhood is what every woman dream about. Given birth to a child is the greatest gift we could ever imagine. Traditionally, across time and cultures, pregnant women have been surrounded by knowledgeable women, family, and close friends, who supported the transition to motherhood with affirmation and great excitement. Pregnant women were treated differently, given the best food, and protected as much as possible from stress and overly hard physical work. The woman knew she was pregnant when she noticed physical changes: a missed period, sore breasts, darkened areola, nausea, aversion to certain foods, and fatigue. Continue reading